379 Terminal Ave, Vancouver



Wanping Kao


•Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine

•A technical and intuitive master healer

About Wanping

Wanping began her career as an M.D. in China where she practiced for nine years before coming to Canada in 1991. After arriving she became a registered practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. Wanping has a wealth of knowledge. Her success rate treating ailments and boosting the overall well-being of her patients is unparalleled. 

Her patient list includes NHL Hockey players, business executives, and a broad range of people who rave about the benefits of her treatments as life-changing. Wanping is the most beloved practitioner in the 28-year history of Fitness Science.

Wanping’s intuitive and technical skills allow her to use the most appropriate form of meridian-based treatment for her patients. For those apprehensive of needles, she also offers acupressure-based treatment, and has successfully helped patients conquer a variety of ailments ranging from back and shoulder pain to insomnia.


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